By Carolkidman
When I was a child I used to go to Mogi Mirim in a little farm of my grandmother's aunt called Angelina with my family and cousins, uncle, aunt, sister and brother.
I don't remember when the first time I went there was but I suppose I was a baby, and my mother bring me with her. Actually I grow up there because it was a very nice place, I played a lot with four cousins, just boys, and only me and my sister is a girls, and they fight with us and my sister used to cry a lot. I never cried but one day one of my cousins was fight with me and I started fight with him too and my uncle appeared there so separated us.
Sometimes I played with them and we invented we are Tarzan or Thundercats, I used to be Cheetara, and one used to be Lion, another used to be Panthro, another was Tygra. It was funny because I real imagine I was Cheetara and the gays too.I used to sleep with Pedrina, the daughter from Grandmother Angelina, and week up at 5: 00 in the morning to take the milk from the caw, and I drink milk with chocolate.Angelina always cooks and the oven was made with kiln and the food was delicious, much better than the normal oven.
And she always killed chicken for us and I used to go to the plantation and take fresh vegetables and fruits to eat together. The food was very health food, everything was without agrotoxic.
It was perfect food.We always ride by bicicle too, and play football. I was a literally a boy, because I only played with boys.I loved to play with some dangerous aracnideos, like spiders that I found in the place cowshed and I found lot spiders and I played with them, In fact I provoked them.
I was very brave girl, I never was afraid from nothing.We used to take food to eat, like orange, sugar cane, mango, caki, and jaboticaba, I loved to climb in a jaboticaba´s tree and I spent a long time there, eaten jaboticaba.I was a happy girl, and If I could I make everything again, because I never feel sad or nothing bed happen in that place. I that place don't have violence, traffic, cinema, shopping market, nothing,only nature, games, and I used to laugh a lot.
During all my childhood I used to go there until my grandmother´s uncle died, and after that We never went again, because its so sad.
