Por Danuza Leão
Se for aquele em quem votei, ótimo; se não for, boa sorte assim mesmo, e que Deus proteja o Brasil - e nos proteja.
Hoje à noite, na hora em que Lula puser a cabeça no travesseiro, vai cair a ficha: agora é só uma questão de tempo, e pouco tempo.
Ele se acostumou com o sucesso e a popularidade, mas vai ter também que se acostumar a não ser mais presidente da República, só que não vai ser assim tão fácil. Para isso é preciso ter sabedoria e equilíbrio, qualidades que definitivamente o presidente não tem.
Lula sonhou alto; pretendia ser secretário-geral da ONU, pretendia que o Brasil fizesse parte do Conselho de Segurança, pretendia ganhar o Nobel da Paz, quis resolver o confronto no Oriente Médio, foi chamado por Obama de "o cara"; começou a se achar dono do mundo, meteu os pés pelas mãos e conseguiu, na hora de sair, ficar mal na foto. Bem mal.
Qualquer que seja o resultado de hoje, temos boas razões para comemorar. Não vamos mais ver na TV Lula andando com o microfone na mão, como se estivesse num auditório, dizendo "nunca antes nesse país", comparando tudo que acontece a um jogo de futebol, sem um pingo de graça.
Não vamos mais ver Marisa Letícia vestida de verde e amarelo nas comemorações da Independência ou de vermelho em carreata eleitoral, saudando o povo com os braços para o alto, como se fosse uma miss; sua voz, ninguém jamais ouviu, e seu único ato foi fazer um canteiro com uma estrela vermelha no jardim do Palácio da Alvorada. Que foi retirada, por sinal.
O Brasil, que já tinha ficado bem mal educado nos tempos de Collor, ficou ainda menos educado depois dos oito anos de Lula. A falta de cerimônia, os péssimos modos, a maneira de se dirigir a seus adversários, o pouco caso com que atropelou as leis eleitorais; dizer inverdades, agindo como se os fins justificassem quaisquer meios, e que a impunidade é lei. Tudo foi um péssimo exemplo.
Quando um novo presidente é eleito, tudo muda - para melhor ou para pior. Penso em Cristina Kirchner, que deve estar passando por maus momentos, em todos os sentidos. Como fará para governar o país, sem seu marido ao lado para encarar os problemas, maiores ou menores?
É o perigo de ser eleito/a um candidato/a que precisa de quem o dirija na hora do aperto, para que o país não fique à deriva. Já pensaram se a mulher de Joaquim Roriz vence a eleição no Distrito Federal e seu marido morre? Antes de votar, há que se pensar em tudo, até no que parece impossível poder acontecer. E se acontecer?
Lula deve estar cansado, merece umas férias, e será recebido com festa na Venezuela, em Cuba e também no Irã.
Vai, Lula, você merece: nós também estamos muito cansados de você.
PS - Não há mais o que falar sobre eleição; então, depois de votar, passe numa livraria e compre o livro "Contra um Mundo Melhor", de Luiz Felipe Pondé, editora Leya. Tive dificuldade em alguns trechos -difíceis para quem não tem uma grande cultura-, por isso aconselho a deixá-lo na mesa de cabeceira, pegar de vez em quando, abrir em qualquer página e reler. É uma leitura perturbadora, que nos faz pensar, o que fazemos pouco.
Dê a você essa chance, a de pensar. Juro que não dói.
Good luck today elected
By Leo Danuza
If those for whom I voted, great, if not, good luck anyway, and that God protects Brazil - and protect us.Tonight, at the time in which Lula put his head on the pillow, going down the plug: it is now only a matter of time, and little time.He used the success and popularity, but will also have to get used to no longer be president, just not going to be so easy. To this one must have wisdom and balance, qualities that the president definitely has not.Lula dreamed aloud; intended to be general secretary of the UN, meant that Brazil was part of the Security Council, wanted to win the Nobel Peace Prize, he wanted to resolve the confrontation in the Middle East, Obama was called "the guy"; began if you think you own the world, put their foot in and got in time to leave, look bad in the photo. Pretty bad.Whatever the result today, we have good reason to celebrate. No longer will we see on TV Lula riding with microphone in hand, as if in an auditorium, saying "never before in this country," comparing everything that happens to a football game, without a shred of grace.No longer will we see Marisa Leticia dressed in green and yellow in celebration of Independence or red motorcade election, greeting the people with arms upward, as if it were a miss, his voice, no one has heard, and his only act was make a bed with a red star in the garden of the presidential palace. Which was withdrawn at that.Brazil, which had been very rude at times of Collor, was even less polite after eight years of Lula. The lack of ceremony, the bad manners, way of addressing his opponents, he ran over that little affair with the electoral laws; tell untruths, acting as if the end justifies any means, and that impunity is the law. Everything was a bad example.When a new president is elected, everything changes - for better or worse. I think of Cristina Kirchner, who must be going through bad times in all directions. How will you govern the country without her husband's side to face the problems, major or minor?It is the danger of being elected / to a candidate that needs who is in charge in the crunch, so that the country is not adrift. Have you thought was the wife of Joaquim Roriz wins the election in the Federal District and her husband dies? Before voting, we must think of everything, even the seemingly impossible can happen. And if it happens?Lula must be tired, deserves a vacation, and you will be greeted with celebrations in Venezuela, Cuba and also in IranGo, Lula, you deserve: we are also tired of you.PS - There's more to talk about the election, so after you vote, go into a bookstore and buy the book "Against a Better World", by Luiz Felipe Ponde, publisher Leya. I had trouble in some places, difficult for those without a high-culture, so I advise you to leave it on the bedside table, pick up from time to time, open to any page and read it again. It is a disturbing read, which makes us think, what we do little.Give yourself the chance to think. I swear it does not hurt.
Good luck today elected
By Leo Danuza
If those for whom I voted, great, if not, good luck anyway, and that God protects Brazil - and protect us.Tonight, at the time in which Lula put his head on the pillow, going down the plug: it is now only a matter of time, and little time.He used the success and popularity, but will also have to get used to no longer be president, just not going to be so easy. To this one must have wisdom and balance, qualities that the president definitely has not.Lula dreamed aloud; intended to be general secretary of the UN, meant that Brazil was part of the Security Council, wanted to win the Nobel Peace Prize, he wanted to resolve the confrontation in the Middle East, Obama was called "the guy"; began if you think you own the world, put their foot in and got in time to leave, look bad in the photo. Pretty bad.Whatever the result today, we have good reason to celebrate. No longer will we see on TV Lula riding with microphone in hand, as if in an auditorium, saying "never before in this country," comparing everything that happens to a football game, without a shred of grace.No longer will we see Marisa Leticia dressed in green and yellow in celebration of Independence or red motorcade election, greeting the people with arms upward, as if it were a miss, his voice, no one has heard, and his only act was make a bed with a red star in the garden of the presidential palace. Which was withdrawn at that.Brazil, which had been very rude at times of Collor, was even less polite after eight years of Lula. The lack of ceremony, the bad manners, way of addressing his opponents, he ran over that little affair with the electoral laws; tell untruths, acting as if the end justifies any means, and that impunity is the law. Everything was a bad example.When a new president is elected, everything changes - for better or worse. I think of Cristina Kirchner, who must be going through bad times in all directions. How will you govern the country without her husband's side to face the problems, major or minor?It is the danger of being elected / to a candidate that needs who is in charge in the crunch, so that the country is not adrift. Have you thought was the wife of Joaquim Roriz wins the election in the Federal District and her husband dies? Before voting, we must think of everything, even the seemingly impossible can happen. And if it happens?Lula must be tired, deserves a vacation, and you will be greeted with celebrations in Venezuela, Cuba and also in IranGo, Lula, you deserve: we are also tired of you.PS - There's more to talk about the election, so after you vote, go into a bookstore and buy the book "Against a Better World", by Luiz Felipe Ponde, publisher Leya. I had trouble in some places, difficult for those without a high-culture, so I advise you to leave it on the bedside table, pick up from time to time, open to any page and read it again. It is a disturbing read, which makes us think, what we do little.Give yourself the chance to think. I swear it does not hurt.