Since I arrive to Brasil in 2006 I want back go to Australia. Sydney is a wonderful place to live,I only studied in that time because I was in my vacation,but now,I want to came to work and study to Ielts exam.
The thuth is because this is year is one of my worth year in Brazil,because a lot of reason.The first reason,the governments really disgusting,the Dilma presidente it's one of the terrible president in Brazil.The second reason,I took dengue in September and my mother and my father took too,and It's simplicity horrible,my mother could died,many people from Brazil are dying because the dengue and I won't a die;the thirty reason it's because my job is not good in Brazil,opened another kinds of assistance for poor people like Public Defensory and Cejusc(Center of conciliation),and all the people prefer go in this kind of place.